JUMP TOREST APIGetting startedCheck your signaturegetErrorsPayMent LinkRetrieve a payment linkgetCreate a payment linkpostRemove a payment linkdeleteSubscriptionsLogin a subscription customerpostCreate a new subscriptionpostUpdate a subscriptionputRemove a subscriptiondeleteGatewayRetrieve a VR pay secure GatewaygetCreate a VR pay secure GatewaypostDelete a VR pay secure GatewaydeleteTransactionRetrieve a TransactiongetRetrieve TransactionsgetCharge a Pre-Authorized / Reserved TransactionpostRefund a TransactionpostCapture a TransactionpostDelete a Reserved TransactiondeleteDesign (Look & Feel)Retrieve a DesigngetRetrieve DesignsgetCreate a DesignpostUpdate a DesignpostDelete a DesigndeletePayment ProviderRetrieve all Payment ProvidersgetQR CodeRetrieve a QR CodegetCreate a QR CodepostDelete a QR CodedeleteDelete a QR Code ScandeleteRetrieve a Designget http://api.vr-pay-secure.de/v1.0/Design/{uuid}/Note for NodeJS: You need to install the following modules: npm i axios crypto-js qs