Getting Started


Support in deutscher Sprache benötigt?

Es freut uns, dass Du VR pay secure benutzen möchtest. Wir können Dir auch eine Unterstützung für die Integration in deutscher Sprache anbieten. Kontaktiere uns dafür unter [email protected].

Not a developer?

If you are not a developer, you probably want to implement VR pay secure into your web shop. Please look into the Shop Plugins section.

What is this documentation for?

There are several tools you can use to implement VR pay secure :

  • Modal window:
    For an embedded payment form on your website
  • VR pay secure Gateway:
    For a seamless implementation into a webshop
    Post and get data from VR pay secure
  • Webhooks:
    Get notified about payment and subscription changes

Before developing

  • Create a VR pay secure instance on Click here to create it now
  • After you login for the first time you will see the initial steps you need to complete in order to start and use your account
  • Find your API secret in Settings > API
  • ... and you are ready to start developing with VR pay secure!

Any further questions? Don't hesitate to ask us :smiley: